Here is “Under Giants 2.”

This is a copy of my previous painting, “Under Giants.” Although it is not an exact copy–if you look closely at the two paintings, there are many small differences in the colors and details throughout–the biggest difference is the size. The first painting is a 4-foot square, and this one is a 3-foot square.

Creating a very similar painting in a different size was a fun and interesting challenge. I want every original piece of art I create to be unique, so my goal was not to copy my other work exactly like printing out a copy of it, but to have it be recognizable as a copy of the painting but also visibly different. So, I allowed myself to deviate from the other image anywhere that I felt like it!

The result is that while Under Giants 2 has a slightly bolder style to it, the overall movement, lighting, and sense of place is the same.

The thick trunks of the giant sequoias on the left vanish into the sky as they reach 100-300 feet upwards!

Throughout the canvas, masses of color glow with sunlight.

The sun shines warmly through the faraway tree branches.

In contrast to the bright light emanating from up above, we can feel the shade of being down here on the floor of the forest, under the cover of the giant trees.

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