Here is “Twisting Branches.”

I created an oil painting demo video (below) to show my process.
I am using Gamblin oil colors and mediums here on a stretched and primed canvas. First, I used cold wax medium mixed with titanium white to prep my canvas with a very thick texture. The texture is better seen in person!
The video begins when I start adding my layers of color: first the under painting with Payne’s gray and burnt sienna.
Then I add transparent layers of color, mixing red, yellow and teal as I paint.
I waited for the painting to dry completely between each layer of color. It became progressively detailed at the end as I worked with small brushes.
The end result is full of light and very colorful!

The tall tree in the foreground, its trunk lit up in warm tones by the sunshine, is the focus of this painting.
The tree looks like it’s dancing because of the way the branches reach and bend!

The curved branches meander gracefully, pulling our eyes across the canvas as they taper into little hands.

The branches continue to reach around the deep edges of the painting!