Fall Gratitude: Original 18″ x 36″


Availability: 1 in stock

Here is “Fall Gratitude.”

Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

You may remember my painting entitled “Gratitude”, which features spring magnolia flowers.

Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

This is the fall iteration of that same theme.

Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

Instead of spring blossoms, the feeling of bursting gratitude is conveyed here with beautiful orange maple leaves.

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

In the woods near my home where I go walking almost every day, we have big-leaf maple trees that are spectacular in the fall, with gigantic leaves, some of them more than a foot across! I have always thought of maple leaves when they change colors in the fall as the quintessential “fall leaf.” Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee The beautiful sight never fails to give me a reminder of how wonderful it is to be alive on this earth.

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

I finished this painting around the Thanksgiving holiday, a time to intentionally dwell on what we’re grateful for.

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

In this painting, I used myself as the model, but purposely did not include my eyes or any identifying details in the painting.

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The absence of specific identifying features makes the image less of a self portrait and more of an anonymous “every woman.”

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The painting is full of delicate details.

Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

Thus a human element is shown alongside the nature element, to illustrate the universal human emotion of gratitude for the nature that surrounds us all.

Artist with painting: Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The impact of the painting when seen from across the room is powerful, with the warm orange colors and the bright white light shining from the background.

Fall Gratitude. 18″ x 36″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

Prints of this painting are available.


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