Costa Rica Jungle: Original 12″ x 48″


Costa Rica Jungle

This painting, a perfect balance of light and shadow, will make you feel the heat and the sense of wonder you feel on an adventure into a tropical jungle.

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Costa Rica Jungle, 12″ x 48″

Costa Rica Jungle painting by Cedar Lee
Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

During my January 2024 artist residency in Costa Rica, I spent many hours hiking on undeveloped roads through the lush jungle vegetation.

Costa Rica jungle art
Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

I would often set out in the hot hours of the late afternoon, go exploring, and arrive back at the residency drenched in sweat and smiling just before sunset.

Closeup detail of brush strokes in painting
Detail: Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

I took many photos, and the ones that have remained the most inspiring, in regards to my art, were the ones where an almost blinding tropical sunlight shone through layers of dark leaves casting deep shadow on the jungle floor.

Closeup detail of brush strokes in painting
Detail: Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

The light glittered and twinkled in between the branches and leaves overhead, like a million tiny suns. This feeling of cool shade, punctuated by the brilliant light and the colors of the tropical plants, is a beautiful and unforgettable experience.

Closeup detail of brush strokes in painting
Detail: Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

This painting, Costa Rica Jungle, illustrates one of those special moments in the jungle.

Portland painter Cedar Lee
Artist with painting: Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

The warm color palette of orange, pink and gold is striking against the deep greens. This painting, a perfect balance of light and shadow, will make you feel the heat and the sense of wonder you feel on an adventure into a tropical jungle.

Costa Rica forest art
Costa Rica Jungle. 12″ x 48″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee


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