I just finished this big painting that I’ve been working on for weeks! I had a hard time titling it, because I wanted to choose a title that describes how the image makes me feel, and I ended up rejecting “The Richness of Life” (too cheesy), “Thrumming Color,” “Vibrant Forest,” and many other possibilities before finally settling on “Oxygen.”
The reason I chose “Oxygen” is when I am in this scene, experiencing it and absorbing it, yes–the colors are rich and exciting and full of emotion, but overall I just get a sense of breathing the fresh, clean air this gigantic forest is producing. The negative spaces in the sky–the light and the air–are what define this image for me as much as the dramatic forms of the trees themselves.

Standing small under these trees, we are surrounded by the exact formulation of atmosphere that allows humans to breathe, and it is mind-blowing to consider the specific course of events that had to have happened to even make life on Earth possible, much less such a beautiful phenomenon as this! Breathing in the clean oxygen-rich air while standing surrounded by deep woods gives me an exhilarated, heady feeling–and being in the giant forest is truly a humbling experience.
Of course I have used lots of artistic license here with my color choices and the way I’ve painted the forest. These deviations from realism are purposeful and meant to inspire in the viewer these emotions I feel.
You can see I am using a think impasto technique, which is especially cool as the tree trunks actually appear to have the rough texture of sequoia tree bark.

Most of the painting was done with a palette knife. I came in at the end to add smaller details with brushes.

The painting continues onto the edges.

At 30″ x 40″, my most recent pieces have a powerful presence. There are 2 more paintings of this size currently in progress.