North County Painters Critique Group

Last week the San Diego Union-Tribune published an article about the critique group for painters that I started a few months ago. The article generated some interest, and since then we’ve added several new members to our group! Creating my own community of fellow artists has been so rewarding.

You can see the article as it appeared in the paper below–some of the photos do not appear in the online version. (Click on the images to enlarge.)

Part 1:

North County Painters Critique Group, Part 1


Part 2:

North County Painters Critique Group, Part 2

Pictured here at one of our meetings: my friends, fellow painters Marilyn Fraser, Elena Karavodin, Darrel McPherson, myself, and Jennifer Anichowski.


We meet once a month. Sadly I’ll be missing our March meeting because I’ll be attending the Art of Painting in the 21st Century conference, which I’m looking forward to!

Work in the studio is taking a backseat for a couple of weeks because I’ve got so many other things going on right now.

I am happy to report that the structure is up for my new backyard studio–a little 120 square foot outbuilding with big double doors, 2 large windows and a skylight! The studio is painted blue with white trim and is nestled amongst avocado trees. To get there from my house, you walk on a dirt pathway through our small grove, with the scent of flowers and wild rosemary in the air and a thick carpet of crunchy brown leaves underfoot, dappled with sunlight.

It’s going to take me a while to finish the interior and move in, but I am SO excited. A workplace such as this will be is something I’ve dreamed of for at least 8 years! Pictures forthcoming…

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