This oil painting, Lone Tree and Milky Way, is reminiscent of my large-scale work Twin Trees and the Milky Way in both theme and color palette.
This little tree stands alone on the apex of a hill with the universe spread out before it. Its roots go deep, plugging it into the life-giving golden red Earth. Each one of us is like this, alone but also part of something infinite.

I chose to use this image on my Christmas cards this year, along with the words: “Hope. Joy. Peace. Love.” because it wakes up those feelings in me. This painting shows a connection to all life, a moment of peace and beauty under starlight, and the happiness of the healthy little tree as it reaches and grows.
I thought it would speak to many people regardless of their beliefs or what they choose to celebrate this season, as it gives the feeling of being fully present, breathing deeply and feeling a profound goodwill for others. Happy Holidays to all!