I’ve finished another large-scale painting! Here is “Kaleidoscopic Forest.”
This painting is like looking into a kaleidoscope: the vibrant rainbow of colors, the many small dynamic shapes and the dizzying perspective that gives a feeling of turning movement.
The large scale pulls the viewer right into the depth of the redwood forest canopy.
The giant trees zoom high into the sky. The sunlight above the treetops is a brilliant white.
Up close, the painting becomes more abstract.
In the yellow sunlight glowing through the overhead foliage, some of the patterns look like plant cells or stained glass, amorphous shapes outlined. Parts of the image have a fluid quality reminiscent of a reflection in water.
From the texture of the tree bark in the foreground to the tiny branches high in the sky and lit up by the sun like a flame, all the colors are vivid. Every color of the rainbow is present.
The playfulness of the painting process is evident in unexpected circles and curlicues in the tree branches.
The leaves (needles?) on the most distant branches show up as tiny patterns of dots and lines. The bright sun washes out parts of the tree canopy.
All these details come together as one realistic image, giving the feeling of being present in a real forest of majestic ancient redwoods.
This painting is currently on loan to the newly opened Ever Green Salon in SW Portland, OR, where it can be seen in person starting tomorrow, if you are local!
I am interested in this picture. What is the cost?
Do you ship to Maryland? What is the usual cost of shipping. Thanks, Rebecca Snow
Hi Rebecca,
The retail value of my 48×48 paintings is $3,900. I ship to Maryland frequently. 🙂 The shipping cost to me is usually $200-$300 for a painting of this size, but I often give discounted shipping to absorb that cost myself.
Email Cedar@ArtByCedar.com to arrange a purchase, or if you have any questions about this or any other of my original paintings. Thanks!