Here is “Hope Bubbles Up”–the newest addition to my Lotus series.
This painting differs from the rest of my work in this series because it has bubbles!

The bubbles were an impulsive addition. When I looked at the rest of the painting–the loose, splashy, fun feel of it, I thought, “This needs bubbles!”

The bubbles are rising up through the colors, both transparent and reflective.

The bubbles work alongside the symbolism of the Lotus flower–ethereal, rising up. They also suffuse the whole image with a feeling of fun and joyfulness.

Most of the painting was done with a palette knife. I created a sculptural texture with cold wax medium. Because it’s painted on wood, I was able to lay on the paint very thickly.

It’s a big painting and was so much fun to make. I’m already working on something similar that’s even larger!

My Spring Sale will be coming to a close in only 3 days. Many are sold, but there’s still time to claim a painting before the sale is over, and get free shipping, a free gift, and more. Go check it out!