Here are my four latest paintings for your enjoyment!
This one is entitled “Hand of Fire,” because–and I did not do this on purpose while I was composing and painting it–but when it was finished it looked so much like a human hand. You know how we have pictures of nebulae taken by the Hubble Space Shuttle, and we’ve given them names based on what they look like to us? (Horsehead nebula, Eagle nebula, Rose nebula, etc.) Well, now I’m inventing new ones!

This one is called “Feather Flames” because I see feather-like forms in the clouds of stars.

This one, “Glow,” because the overall effect creates a tremendous feeling of glowing light and color–very luminous.

And, “Astral Bouquet.” Perhaps it’s because Valentine’s Day just happened, but I see a cosmic-scale bouquet of flowers in this image, all of the giant stars being individual roses in an arrangement, and the wispy cloud forms in the bottom right quadrant composing their stems. I can even imagine all the smaller stars interspersed between the large ones as baby’s breath. Again, I didn’t do this on purpose beforehand, but I like it.

I have a LOT going on right now, so I wanted to give a brief synopsis of new developments for anyone who might have missed what I’m working on lately.
1) If you are local to San Diego, I hope to see you at the reception tomorrow night for the Tomea “Love for Local Art” exhibit I am part of!
2) The North County Painters Critique Group, which I founded in December, will soon be featured in the San Diego Union Tribune with a full-length article and photos. They sent a photographer out to our last meeting and everything–very exciting! I’m hoping to have an online link to the article to share with you when it’s published later this month.
3) I will be teaching art lessons to children in the Escondido area starting once a month in April, then when school lets out, once a week all summer! I’m going to have a page up on my website soon with more details–for now, if you are interested in learning more, please email me so I can add you to my interest list.
4) Plans are actively in the works now for constructing my new studio in the avocado grove in my back yard! It will be a small, simple outbuilding with lots of windows. My husband has helped me to clear the build site, and there will be more developments soon!
5) I’ve been creating 2-3 new paintings a week since January 1st, meeting my painting goals so far for the new year! I am loving how much my Cosmic Dance series has developed in the past couple of months. Thank you for allowing me to share these new paintings with you!