Introducing: Blue Lotus Art!
My long-running Lotus collection, in the past, has featured lotus flowers on a bright red background.
For years, I’ve planned to re-work a few of these red paintings to give them a color palette that is predominantly blue. I’ve finally done it!
Enjoy this new blue lotus art!
Against All Odds, 24″ x 36″

The lotus flower symbolizes a choice to grow into our own potential, to strive for our better nature despite the chaos of the world and the chaos in our own minds.
Courage Blooms. 40″ x 30″

These paintings in blue have a completely different mood. Because of the boldness of the designs, the bold feeling of this artwork remains, even with the calmer colors.
Dragonfly’s Discovery. 24″ x 36″

The blue colors give this art a feeling of groundedness and peaceful focus. To me, the blue helps bring me into the present moment, like taking a deep breath.
Stand Tall. 36″ x 12″

Little bits of red and yellow burst through from the background, showing the messy human emotions that we all hold within us, even when we are at our most grounded and calm.
Lotus Bubbles. 30″ x 24″

These are all very thickly textured oil paintings. The luminosity of the colors glowing through other colors, along with the thick texture of the paint, provides a lot of interesting details to get lost in.
Contact me if you’re interesting in purchasing this art!