7 Green Leaf Paintings

Here are seven new green leaf paintings featuring sunlight in the forest.

I’m looking forward to slowing down a little bit as the year winds down. These new paintings were inspired by that impulse.

Almost every day, I spend a little time exploring the trails of Mt. Tabor Park, and I find myself looking closer, zooming in to notice the way the light shines through just a few fluttering leaves.

7 Green Leaf Paintings by Cedar Lee

Black Locust Above

This painting is “Black Locust Above.” The distinctive leaves of the black locust tree hang down between the viewer and the light of the sky. In the background on the left you can see the shapes of Douglas fir branches in the distance.

Black Locust Above. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Black Locust Arc

In this painting of black locust leaves close up, the leaves fan out in an elegant curve, and form elegant shapes against the bright sky.

Black Locust Arc. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Diamond Sun Sparkles

The sunlight glittering through the leaves of the trees on a sunny day sometimes reminds me of the way the light glitters on diamonds and jewels, so the title of this painting is “Diamond Sun Sparkles.”

Diamond Sun Sparkles. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Maple Leaves and Sun

Here is “Maple Leaves and Sun.” The light glows a golden orange color through the edges of the leaves in the center of the image where the bright sun shines through.

Maple Leaves and Sun. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Maple Shapes

Here is “Maple Shapes.” This is a painting of an extreme close-up on just a few maple leaves. The focus of this art is the interesting shapes created by the points and angles of the distinctive maple leaves, and the negative space between them.

Maple Shapes. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Monstera Leaf and Sun

Here is “Monstera Leaf and Sun.” This painting is a celebration of warm sunshine. The bright sunlight bursts through between the holes in the variegated monstera leaf, turning the edges of the leaf purple and magenta.

Monstera Leaf and Sun. 16″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2024 Cedar Lee

Wild Blackberries

I painted Wild Blackberries after an August walk with my dog through a field where the wild blackberry vines were lit up in the afternoon sun.

Wild Blackberries. 16″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2024 Cedar Lee

I hope that these peaceful images give you a moment of calm or pleasure, like they have done for me, allowing you to meditate on something beautiful.

All of these were inspired by recent hikes in the Pacific Northwest, and in the case of the monstera leaf, the jungle in Costa Rica.

7 Green Leaf Paintings by Cedar Lee

The originals, as well as prints, of these paintings are available!

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