These six large-scale paintings have been delivered to a beautiful AirBNB hotel in North Portland, Get Gallery PDX, where they will be on display in living spaces for the next few months!
The building is full of light, with huge white walls–a perfect space for large, colorful art like mine. It’s a new build designed by my architect friend Melissa Moline, who is also a jeweler.
She and our fellow Portland artist Leah Kohlenberg are turning this hotel into an art gallery where out-of-town guests can view and purchase local art. How cool is that?
If you happen to be coming for a visit to Portland, OR, you can actually stay in an apartment with my art on the walls!

If you want to be sure to get an apartment with my original art on the walls, it’s a good idea to contact Get Gallery PDX to make sure before booking.
This kind of setup is such a creative way to bring art to the people in the post-COVID era. One possible path for the future of art galleries? What do you think?